Self Marking Google & Excel Sheets
Phil Rhodes
How to create your own copy of the Equivalent fractions sheet
How to upload your spreadsheet to Google Classroom
Things to watch out for!
Assign your class Self Marking Google Sheets in Google classroom for immediate feedback and scores.
Give pupils instant feedback and make your marking easier.
NEW - it also works on Microsoft Teams - just download the spreadsheet in Excel format first!
Whole Class Scores
Here is a blank Google Sheet (please make a copy) and a video of how to get access to whole class scores in one spreadsheet in real time.
This is useful either after the class has finished a Self Marking Sheet that is assigned on Google Classroom or it can also be used whilst the class is tackling the task. The spreadsheet will update automatically.
The script is unverified so when you run it you will have to show "Advanced" settings and accept the risk - sorry, not sure how to get it verified!
This site requires you to be logged into your Google account to access these files.
Please do not ask permission to have access to the file, instead make a copy.